sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010

Pague os seis reais

Pague os seis reais.

E garanta o seu lugar.


Mais dias para você entregar o seu assignment. Em vez de ser no dia 18 (dia da nossa prova), você pode entregá-lo impreterivelmente na segunda dia 22. Claro que pode entregar antes, se quiser.

Impossível passar disso.


quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2010


1.There has been an interesting debate recently between Peter and Guy. Peter thinks that our present Brazilian society is NOT very far at all from the society depicted in the movie Fahrenheit 451. Guy, on the other hand, entirely disagrees with him, saying that contemporary Brazilian society has nothing whatsoever to do with the one shown in the movie.

Write down what Peter and Guy said to support their ideas.



2. The excerpt below was taken from a play we studied. After identifying the play, identify who is talking and explain the context in which this dialogue takes place. Give an answer as complete as possible.

Speaker 1: Speak.
Speaker 2: Nothing, my lord.
Speaker 1: Nothing?
Speaker 2: Nothing.
Speaker 1: Nothing can come of nothing. Speak again.

3. Read the excerpt about King Lear below and then answer the two questions about it.

Shakespeare's King Lear, though it was written four centuries ago and is set in the far-distant mythological past, still carries a moralistic message with it today. Like traditional fairy tales, the entire play is set up to illustrate a single flaw in the human condition and teach a lesson about it. This lesson is the importance of honesty.

3.1. How can "King Lear" be compared to traditional fairy tales?
3.2. Why is the topic of honesty so important in the play?

4. Explain why "The Merchant of Venice" is considered a “problem play”.

5. Being very careful not to slip into triviality and banality, write about a situation in your life in which you had a dilemma. A dilemma somewhat similar to the famous Hamlet's dilemma.